Categories: InspirationsSevens

Skye in seven pictures

Skye – heaven on earth. On our fourteen days through Scotland Tour we spent some days on Skye. And although Scotland was totally great and the landscape fascinating – Skye did even top that. Skye is an island and part of the Inner Hebrides. Skye is connected to the mainland through various ferries and by a bridge near Kyle of Lochalsh. Due to the often quite bizarre and spectaculare landscape various feature films including Flash Gordon, Stardust and Prometheus were shot on Skye.

The best time to visit is from April to September when the temperatures are between 10 and 25 °C and the average precipitation is around 80 – 100 mm. At the time we went there at the end of May Skye had a very long winter and the weather was unpredictable consisting of many clouds and sometimes blue sky, rain, a little bit of sun, very strong winds and even hail. But I think this weather conditions lead to some very nice pictures.

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